Plot: Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is the owner and CEO of Stark Industries, a major military contracting company he inherited from his father. Stark himself is a charming playboy, who likes fast cars and even faster women. He's also a genius with a lot of hubris. He doesn't really care where his weapons go or what damage they do, as long as he makes money.
Tony's mentor, Obadiah Stane, played by Jeff Bridges handles the day to day operations of the company, while Tony travels to war-torn Afghanistan to demonstrate a weapon. That's where our story begins. Tony's envoy is ambushed by terrorists, who in turn take him hostage for three months. Thus begins the fascinating story of Tony Stark and the creation of the suit of armor that would eventually become Iron Man, only instead of a Vietnam cave, it's Afghanistan. As Tony builds his creation, he develops enemies in unlikely places. It's fair to say that Tony's experiences soon change his outlook on life. Terrence Howard stars as his confidant and friend and Gweneth Paltrow plays his trusty assistant, Pepper Potts.
I liked this movie a lot and felt it was actually the best superhero movie of the year (yes, even better than The Dark Knight.)
ReplyDeleteLike you, I didn't have much expectation for it. A second tier hero, played by a slumming Robert Downey, Jr.? No thanks.
A friend saw it, though, and he kept telling me I needed to go see it, that I'd love it, especially the ending. I finally broke down, went to see it, and my friend was completely right.