
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Blonde Ambition - Hiddles as Thor!

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Via Screen Crush
I consider this a filler post, but it's such a good filler. I couldn't resist posting a video of a blonde long-haired Tom Hiddleston auditioning as Thor. Yes, please. I think Chris Hemsworth was well cast as 'Thor,' and Hiddeston does make a much better Loki, but I could also picture Hiddleston as Thor. Hiddles can play anything. Yes, I'm a fan girl, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. Hiddles is a versatile (and brilliant) actor. Admittedly, Loki is a much more complex character and one that Hiddleston can properly sink his teeth into. So hurray for Hiddleston in all his blonde glory. See full video description below. This little snippet was taken from the Blu-Ray DVD of 'Thor: The Dark World,' which releases on February 25, 2014.

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Via Screen Crush


  1. Thor needed to be played simple and Loki complex - the actors do fit the roles.
    I take it you saw him in War Horse then?

  2. I just can't see it, but he certainly has the presence. Good find Ms. Mariah! Check for the backlink tomorrow.

  3. Nice!
    Still glad he played Loki, he fits that role perfectly.

  4. Alex-- Thanks! I agree. They do fit their respective roles.

    Maurice-- Thanks! I have a backlink for you here today as well!

    David-- I completely agree!

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  7. You are a fan girl, and you are right. I think Huddleston could have gained weight for the role. But he's awesome as Loki. Great find!

  8. I love Tom but I don't know what he was thinking, he is 3 times smaller than Chris is :)

  9. I saw this the other day and couldn't help a chuckle. I imagine they would have buffed him up if he got the part, but we would have missed out on such a great Loki.

  10. sweet, sweet, sweet Hiddles! Why isn't he the biggest star in Hollywood yet?

  11. Nigel-- Yes, I'd like to think that he could have gained weight, but Hemsworth is just a large framed dude. Idk. The more I watch this skinny gif the more I wonder if he could have pulled Thor off.

    Sati-- I know you love Tom! So if you say that then it must be true. Alas, Tom would not have made a good Thor.

    Brandon- Yes, I know he's a little on the thin side. Alas it was a pipe dream. He's a much better Loki.

    Dezmond-- I know! Seriously he should be a leading man


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