
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Jurassic Park with Cats + Links

We Are Camera Studio
What if  the velociraptors running around the kitchen in 'Jurassic Park' were actually cats. Well, then you'd have a fun video to watch. Yes, you do. This is just after Jeff Goldblum's laugh from 'Jurassic Park' was appropriately auto-tuned. In other 'Jurassic Park' news Deadline reports that Vincent D'Onofrio will be the non-dinosaur villain in the next 'Jurassic Park' film reboot, 'Jurassic World.' Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard will also costar.

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  1. Hey thanks for the link! The scene would be even more terrifying with LOL cats.

    1. Sure, yes. A giant cat, knowing cats as I know them, would be quite scary.

  2. That was really funny. I'd run from giant cats.
    Thanks for adding my link!

    1. Sure, glad to. Yes, a giant cat is scary stuff.

  3. My kids herd cats and came running to see what I was watching...
    they laughed harder than I did.

    1. It's quite funny and adorable. The things people come up with!

  4. Nice Jurassic Park memes! I've never seen the cats or the auto-tuned laugh. (Which is really fucking creepy!)

    1. Uber creepy! I always think Goldblum is a little creepy anyway. :)

  5. Thank you Mariah for featuring a link to my blog! That Jurassic Park with cats is hysterical - great find!

    1. You're welcome! Hope things are going well over at the new blog!

  6. Thank you for the link! Ooh, great to see Bryce getting back to movies.

  7. Yes, it was funny we were discussing Bryce the other day. Perhaps her time with Von Triers traumatized her! He sounds terrible! Glad she's coming back.

  8. So, I feel this way about cats, and now I will have nightmares. :( It's cool though, nightmares at least give you something to talk about the next day. :)

    1. Hi Libby! Yes, I understand. I have a friend who doesn't like cats. Actually it's more than that, he will jump out of a window to get away. Don't have nightmares. Wishing you sweet dreams!

  9. Anytime I see a shot from Jurassic Park it's a good day. Thanks for the linkage!


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