
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Favorite Movie Title Blogathon

Brittani has a really cool blogathon idea. Join in Brittani's blogathon of favorite movie titles (A through Z).  Rules 1.) List your favorite movie title with each letter of the alphabet. 2.) You don't necessarily have to like the movie to use its title. 3.) Use Brittani's banner at the top of the post. 4.)Have all submissions submitted by Friday, May 23, 2014. You can tweet Brittani at @ramblingfilm or send her an email at
Here is my submission of movie titles from A to Z. Admittedly, I like most of the movies on this list. Most, not all. Roll over the link to find out which movie I chose. You can click on the picture for more info about that movie.


  1. Holy hell, that's a beautiful presentation! Love your choices, especially Young Adult and Woman in Black.

    1. Oh thank you! Coming from you that's high praise. Your blog is so beautiful.

  2. Stunning presentation! Love your picks as well :-D

  3. This looks STUNNING! Thank you so much for participating! Love your choices too, I wish I had remembered Fish Tank!

    1. Oh thank you Brittani! I wanted to do something colorful with it. You had such a great idea for a blogathon!

  4. Awesome choices, especially Dangerous Liaisons, Zodiac & The New World -- they sound so perfect, the title fits so well to the last one too -- I haven't seen the first two though. GORGEOUS presentation, too, must have taken a lot of time... but damn, worth it. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much! I really liked both of those movies. Ha, yes thank you. Once I got in a grove it wasn't so bad. I had a lot of fun with this one.

  5. That was fun trying to guess the movies!

    1. Yay, that's what I was hoping for! Thanks Alex.

  6. Great presentation - I wish I had thought of it!
    Love your choices - especially Jurassic Park, King Kong, Melancholia. It's funny to read at other participant's lists 'cause then I look at my own and I'm surprised by what I picked. :P

    1. I always enjoy reading other people's choices because we're all so different. I'm looking fwd to reading your entry!

  7. Great choices, and awesome presentation to go with it. :D

    1. Oh thank you so much! I will have to visit your page!

  8. Oooh I love your presentation here, Mariah! You've got some of my faves here too, esp in C, G and J. Still haven't seen Zodiac, it's currently on my Netflix queue!

    – ruth

    1. Ruth-- thanks! Yes, I really loved that movie. It's a slow burn, but a great film.

  9. Great stuff here and I'm with everyone who LOVES the presentation!! Wish I was that talented.... Great choices too!

  10. Loving the titles and of course the style. I see what you did there with V for Vendetta. Great blog too by the way!

    1. Oh thank you Angela! I really enjoyed your blog as well!

  11. Yet another who really likes the presentation. Oustanding job. Looks aside, there are some great titles here, too.

    1. Hi Wendell! Thank you so much. I really enjoyed working on this.

  12. Up and Zodiac!
    One-word wonders! Great design, though!

    1. Sinekdoks-- You know you've made me wonder if I could have created a title list with all one word films? Thanks so much!

  13. Oh wow, your list is beautifully presented! We had loads of fun taking part in this Blogathon. I also wanted to drop you a note to let you know how much we love your blog! We run a film/tv blog ourselves and we've added A Space Blogyssey to our Blog Roll, hope that's okay!
    - Allie from Flick Chicks

    1. Absolutely, I just added you as well! Thank you for your kind words.


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