
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

New 'Gotham' Series, 'Godzilla' Growth Chart, + Cool Stuff!

Via Neatorama
See how 'Godzilla' has grown through the years. Yes I'm a little obsessed with 'Godzilla' right now, but I'd rather see a million Godzilla's than the new monstrosity from Bryan Singer, 'X-Men: Days of Future Past.' And no, I'm not referring to Singer's recent legal troubles. I never comment on such things. I have not liked Bryan Singer for years. Singer routinely butchers comics, throws them in the trash, then proceeds to burn them. He also has no brand loyalty. He is open to destroying both Marvel and DC Comics alike. I do like Marvel ok, but I'm a DC fan through and through. If you're a comic book fan, you will eventually develop some sense of brand loyalty or preference. Ergo, Singer is not a comic book fan, and he has said as much. Hugh Jackman said that Singer banned comics on the sets he works on. I don't know. It's kinda important to know the source material in my opinion. It doesn't have to be exact, but it should capture the spirit the comic book. A good balanced example is Joss Whedon's 'Avengers.'

Speaking of dragons, who are the biggest dragons in fantasy? Here's an illustrated guide to the biggest dragons. Of course 'Game of Thrones' is on the list!
Via Daily Dot

We still don't have a 'Wonder Woman' film or television show, but somehow Jim Gordon managed to get a show, along with a tween Catwoman and Poison Ivy. Thankfully, I like the actors involved (Ben McKenzie of 'Southland' and character actor Donal Logue), but I'm so tired of DC's exclusive focus on 'Batman' and 'Superman.' You would think those are the only two characters in DCs fandom. Thank goodness for the 'Green Arrow.'

More photos from Season 7 of 'True Blood.' Yes, I will be "hate" watching. Let the hate begin on June 22nd.

Why do so many women watch 'Supernatural?' Gee, I wonder? I love the chemistry between Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. I love the smart storylines. Admittedly, I'm an Ackles fan, so I watch the for him too, but the primary reason I watch 'Supernatural' is for show in its totality. According to i09, the producers of the show originally marketed the show to a male audience, because they figured that women watch "soapy romantic stuff," like 'Revenge.' Yeah, whatever Hollywood machine. Shows what you know.
Sidenote: I'm still a little sour towards Jared Padalecki because of his insenstive comments about Philip Seymour Hoffman's death. Hoffman had been sober for 23 years and slipped up. He also paid the ultimate price. I don't care how Hoffman died, it doesn't give someone (anyone) the right to call him stupid. He was human. Just like the rest of us. God rest his soul. 

Cool Stuff
This Wonder Woman infographic is so true I almost want to cry. Thanks to Dorkly for creating it. Dorkly managed to punch yet another hole in all of the reasons why we don't have a Wonder Woman film yet. I won't linger long on this topic. Don't get me started.
Via Neatorama
Katy is hosting a blogathon of all blogathons in honor of the release of the new 'Godzilla.' Hop on over to Katy's site, pick a super cheesy monster movie, and join the fun. See the rules here. Deadline is May 24, 2014.

This short video of a dog trying to find his owner during the zombie apocalypse will melt your heart.

This creative dad photoshopped his three little girls into some great adventures. Awww, I can see my husband doing something like this. I love it!
Via Neatorama
Here's a lego tardis with David's favorite Doctor, Tom Baker (Doctor #4) -
Via io9

I don't begrudge those who are, but I'm not a fan of steampunk. But this has to be one of my favorite Wonder Woman costumes. This Steampunk Wonder Woman is awesome. Great job.
Via Fashionably Geek


  1. David is going to want that Lego set.
    I am beyond stoked for Godzilla. Already have my IMAX tickets. Wasn't the first Godzilla fouor hundred feet tall? Or am I remembering it wrong.
    Dissing Hoffman after he's dead is not cool.
    And I need to check out that blogfest. I've seen more than my share of cheesy monster movies. (And MST3K has parodied many of them.)

    1. Oh Alex, I used to love MST3K!!! You just made me think of the movie I'm going to write about. I am so excited about Godzilla. I can't wait.

  2. GODZILLA!!!! I'm a little obsessed with 'Godzilla' too! Got my ticket and can't wait.
    That is a cool LEGO set, and it comes with K-9! Affirmative Master!
    The Blogfest sound fun. I'll have to see what movie I can find to do.
    Wonder Woman should already have her movie. Hopefully after the Batman/Superman and Justice League movie then she will be seen as relevant to the WB.

    1. I knew you would like the lego set!! I'm super excited about 'Godzilla.' It's going to be great.

  3. I actually wanted to return to watching Supernatural but I don't think I can because of Padalecki's comments - no way I can look at him and think of anything else. Holy shit I had no idea ASOIAF dragons are bigger than Smaug!

    1. Sati-- I know! GoTs dragons are huge! I didn't realize they were that big. Yes, I'm still sour on Padalecki. The show is its last few seasons, so I'm just waiting it out. I still love the show, despite Padalecki. Hopefully he will learn to be more sensitive in the future.

  4. Thank you for featuring my blogathon! I appreciate it!
    Love the Wonder Woman comic. She is such a bad-ass and it's a real shame how obvious the studios are in not believing that a female superhero character can lead her own franchise.
    Gotham is putting a different twist on superhero entertainment by doing the origins of all the characters. I'd be interested in watching it for the actors and the trailer looks promising - but I will try not to get too attached. I'll never forgive Fox for canceling Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles - even if it did manage a bad-ass series finale.

    1. Katy-- I completely agree. Fox is dead to me after the Sarah Connor Chronicles and now, 'Almost Human!'

      I'm so excited for your blogathon! Great idea.

  5. I'm down for the blogathon. I'm sure we'll see a wonder woman movie and it'll make so much money the studio will kick themselves for waiting so long

  6. Okay... you have won for "HOTTEST SITE IN THE WORLD, TODAY"... congrats, now come collect your award/badge... great posts today, everyday! Have a great day!

    1. Oh thanks Jeremy! I'll visit your site right now!

    2. i have not made it yet... didn't know how it should look... i will send in over to you being the first recipient.


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