
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tom Cruise as Tom Cruise...again, Khal Drogo as Lobo, & She-Hulk Diss

When watching a preview of the new Tom Cruise film, 'Edge of Tomorrow,' I'm reminded that Cruise essentially plays the same character in every movie. Cruise is one of the most typecasted actors. If Cruise is in a film, one thing can be guaranteed-- his character is a strong-willed, moral, yet troubled man, down on his luck, but has the will to overcome, blah blah blah. It doesn't leave a lot of room for creativity.

The crazy thing is that Cruise is actually a good actor. His roles in 'Interview with the Vampire' and 'Rock of Ages' are proof of that. So why doesn't Cruise challenge himself more? I know that he's an a-lister, but similar a-list actors have had much more diverse careers. I for one would like to see Cruise stretch himself in films like 'Collateral.' My favorite Cruise role continues to be 'Interview.' Given Cruise's career trajectory that's not likely to change. I guess we should be thankful, at least he's not pulling a "Nick Cage."

Douchey writer David Goyer developed "foot in mouth" disease in a recent interview (transcribed by the Mary Sue). Goyer said that the She-Hulk was created exclusively as a "mate" for the Hulk (his language was much more obscene) and that she was basically a "giant green pornstar." Well, Stan Lee, the man who ACTUALLY created the She-Hulk disagreed. Stan Lee reminded Goyer that the She-Hulk and the Hulk were cousins and not love interests. So unless the She-Hulk and the Hulk committed incest, they were not created as mates. Lastly, Comics Beat found that 46% of comic book readers are female. So show the She-Hulk some respect!

Lest we forget, Goyer is the person who wrote the disastrous 'Man of Steel' and will be writing 'Batman versus Superman,' which will include Wonder Woman's debut. Between Goyer and Zack Synder, there is good reason to worry. Wonder Woman fans--be afraid, be very afraid!

Mark Sheppard will be a series regular on Season 10 of 'Supernatural.' As my dvr fizzled out this week, I did not finish 'Supernatural' Season 9. For some reason the CW is such a crappy little channel that they're not even onDemand. So I will have to Hulu the last 6 or 7 episodes of 'Supernatural' when I get a chance.

'Revolution' has been cancelled and I can't say I'm sad to see it go. I tried to watch it, but I just couldn't get into it. It was just such a weird little show and it never seemed to find its rhythm. You can read all about the cancellation on Deadline.

Khal Drogo himself (Jason Momoa) has long been a fan favorite to play Lobo in the new 'Batman versus Superman' film. Momoa used some "colorful" language when discussing the rumor at Detroit's ComicCon. Momoa would be perfect for the role, but I seriously doubt Synder and Goyer have enough sense to cast him.

Speaking of 'Game of Thrones,' several new characters will debut next year for Season 5. Seriously George R. R. Martin needs to finish these books. The show is very quickly moving through the material.

New trailer for 'The Equalizer' reboot with Denzel Washington is making the rounds. I'm all for a reboot of this franchise. It's almost 30 years old (unlike other franchises that were much younger), however, this doesn't really scream "Equalizer" to me. The trailer feels more like 'Man on Fire 2.' For those who don't remember 'The Equalizer,' it was a television show about a retired Special Ops guy turned private detective. Washington's film makes him look like some sort of psychopath. I hope the film is better than the trailer. Washington is a great actor, but even he can't carry a silly film.

In other news, a Timewarner Cable update wiped out my DVR. Say what you will about the antiquity of VHS tapes, but I never had to worry about that with my old trusty VCR. I didn't get to see all of the S9 'Supernatural' episodes and I heard this year was bloody fantastic. I may have to purchase Hulu again. *Sigh. I hate having to watch commercials. Any commercials. Perhaps Hulu and Timewarner are in cahoots.

And now for my happy the form of Jean Claude Van Damme from the 1984 film "Breakin." Yes, that's Van Damme in the black leotard. It was a movie about break dancing. Deal with it.

 photo dammedancing01.gif


  1. I personally thought Tom Cruise was pretty good in "Eyes Wide Shut", though that one eventually got pretty weird.

    1. You know I forgot about that one. Very good choice. Cruise was quite good in that film. I just wish he would do more films like that. Admittedly that film weirded me out.

  2. The sad thing is Van Damme can dance better than I can.
    Cruise does play the same kind of character in every film. They keep paying him millions of dollars - why change now?
    I saw the bit about She-Hulk being a porn star. Right....

    1. Ha, yes Van Damme had some moves back in the day. I think he started out in ballet. You're right about Cruise. If they're going to pay him millions why change? I just get tired of seeing him in the same roles. Will Smith is also guilty of this.

  3. She-Hulk was also a lawyer and very intelligent. She became She-Hulk by a blood transfusion with Bruce Banner. I think David Goyer has no clue about comics, he just want to fill his pockets with our money. I realy hope Snyder has more pull in BVS. I feel your pain with your DVR. When I moved a few years ago my Dish DVR became corrupt and I lost everything I had as well.

    1. David, you make such a good point! She was a lawyer and very smart. She wasn't just some fanboy's dream. Goyer proved he doesn't read the comics or even know how to do a google search! I'm seriously worried about BVS.

  4. I can't even watch Tom Cruise's movies anymore. His real life persona seems to overshadow his performances for me now. He never disappears in characters anymore, it's just 'oh, there's Tom Cruise pretending to be X.'

    1. Brittani-- That's such a great point! That's exactly how I feel. That's kind of the opposite of what an actor is supposed to do.

  5. You're right about Cruise but at least he is not making a parody out of himself like Depp who is just lazy. Cruise at least does action stuff so that requires some effort, at least physically. He was tremendous in Interview with Vampire, shame he doesn't get to play characters like that more often. He was also super funny in Tropic Thunder :)

    1. Sati-- I forgot about him in 'Tropic Thunder.' Another great Cruise role. Thanks for that one. Yes, I agree. I should have added Depp to my list of "don'ts." Depp has descended even further down the rabbit hole. Admittedly, Cruise is extremely athletic. I loved his stunt off of the world's tallest building for the last MI movie. I do have to give him credit for that. that was an incredible stunt.

  6. Not gonna lie - I love Tom Cruise. Though he's been limited or chooses to remain in the action genre, I sorta disagree that all his characters are the same. He does apply subtle differences to his spies/heroes; Ethan can't be said to be the same as Jack Reacher or Jack (from Oblivion - haha the coincidence of the same names). I agree though; I'd like to see him do more Tropic Thunder roles; characters that nobody would suspect he could pull off.

    Not being a comic book fan though, I can't speak for the She-Hulk controversy. But I liked Man of Stee. It had nothing to do with the writing though; the plot was all over the place. This guy sounds like he'll probably screw up Batman versus Superman; it'll be a real shame for Ben Affleck.

    I'll sign the petition for Jason Momoa to star in everything.

  7. I thought Momoa made one heck of a Khal Drogo. He was just incredible in that role. I do like Tom Cruise and I think he's a great actor. I just wish his roles were more diverse. If he threw us a a 'Tropic Thunder'-like or 'Interview with the Vampire'-like role every now and then I would like him even more.

  8. Great links as always! Boy I never thought about that Ms. Mariah. Since 46% of comic book readers are female he better watch out if he messes up Wonder Woman!

    1. Ha, i know. I didn't realize it was so high. Times have changed!

  9. I am not familiar with this film but it looks very interesting.

    1. Yes, I like Tom Cruise films, but I wish he would stretch his range a bit.

  10. Tom Cruise is not of my top choices for films, not that he has not done great films that I like. I think I can name them on one had... Legend, The Outsiders, Mission: Impossible IV: Ghost Protocol... sadly his next film looks like a Space Groundhog's Day... now say that a million times until you reach your personal end of this comment... and Hulk and She-Hulk... kissing cousins... eh' gross.

    1. oh... here is something for you:

    2. I know, I like Tom Cruise ok, but he needs to try to play different characters every now and then. He's an incredible actor, so it's too bad.

      With regard to the video, O....M.....G. That is even more awesome then my gif!

  11. Actually, Tom Cruise plays a different character in 'Edge Of Tomorrow'. He's a coward.... well at least in the beginning, then he reverts back to the familiar Tom Cruise that we all know. I must admit, I do enjoy his movies and I actually think he does have on-screen charisma, regardless how he is like in real life.

    His comments aside, I still have hope in Goyer's writing abilities. He did write Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. As for Zack Snyder, well, that's a different story....

    1. That's the strange thing. I actually like Tom Cruise. I just wish he would stretch himself as an actor more. And you're right, he wouldn't still be a movie star after 30 years if he didn't have some serious charisma.

      I think Goyer and Synder are bad for each other. Perhaps if they worked with someone who could reign them in? I think Nolan reigned Goyer in. Not so with Synder.

  12. My favorite Tom Cruise performance is in Magnolia, but to be honest I haven't seen much of his off-the-beaten-path stuff. I generally like him in movies though, despite the typecasting.
    I'm glad to have found another Supernatural fan! I'm still at the end of Season 3 but it's so much fun - I actually tweet about every episode which has been cool so far.

    Very cool blog you've got here, no idea why I never stumbled upon it before!

    1. Hi Mette! Thank you. I've seen yours before a couple of times and Iove it. I think we both visit some of the same blogs.

      Yes, I love Supernatural. It's probably in my top 10!

  13. Hey, but at least Cruise has quite a few facial expressions. He really should challenge himself more, but his films are kind of comforting -- you always know what you'll get.

    I never finished Supernatural's ninth season because I was so bored with the storyline, but I'm still overjoyed by Sheppard being a series regular! He is so great, he deserves it.

    Also, Van Damme? More like Van Dayumm because them moves!!

    Great post, Mariah, and I'll do my best to stop by more often from now on! :)

    1. Oh thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it! I really love your blog. Yes, Van Dayumm has some moves doesn't he? It's too bad he went crazy on cocaine, because I really enjoyed seeing his films....well some of them.

  14. Tom Cruise...
    You hit it right on the head. He's a movie star and NOT an actor. Good actors are artists.
    Unfortunately, there are very few real actors anymore.
    I'd rather see Daniel Day Lewis in a flop, than Tom Cruise in a blockbuster...

    1. I'm with you Pat! The sad thing is that Tom Cruise can actually act! His previous roles prove that, but I think you hit the nail on the head. He's more of a movie star than an actor.


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