
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Gotham is Nitty Gritty?| Batgirl Gets New Duds| Drunks Play Street Fighter + More

I'm sure you've noticed that I've made some website changes. I'm using a new template and I'm lovin' the new look. I hope you are too. It's a lot cleaner and simpler. Simple is always good. I'm still in the process of working out the gremlins, so if you notice any bugs please send me an email. Thanks!

So supposedly this new trailer for 'Gotham' is uber "gritty and atmospheric." Clearly someone pulled out the thesaurus, because I would hardly call this trailer gritty. IMHO any show with baby versions of Catwoman and Poison Ivy and angsty teen versions of the Penguin and the Riddler is not gritty. It doesn't mean it won't be a good show. However, knowing the Fox Network like I do, I give it 1 to 2 seasons max. I could be wrong, but Fox isn't known for giving their fantasy (and especially SciFi) shows a fighting chance. *cough* Almost Human! *end cough* That said, 'Sleepy Hollow' certainly surprised me.

Gotham's casting certainly looks good. Ben McKenzie plays Jim Gordon. I've liked McKenzie since 'Southland.' Let's try to forget that he started out in 'The OC.' You gotta start somewhere I guess. Jada Pinkett Smith stars as the Penguin's companion, Fish Mooney. As a DC Comics fan, I've never heard of this character before, so the character must be specific to the series. Character actor Donal Logue stars as Detective Harvey Bullock. Det. Bullock is original to DC Comics.

More details on 'The Walking Dead' Season 5 are pouring in. Some S5 photos have been floating around, along with empty promises from the producers, some talk of major character deaths--of course, and most curious of all is the rumor that some scenes were cut from the season premiere because they were too disturbing. Perhaps more will be revealed at Comic Con this week. I wish I could get excited, but I'm totally hate watching this show now.

Yes, the new Batgirl costume is awesome. Take a gander. Now if only these guys could take a crack at Wonder Woman's costume? I'm sure they'd do a great job. The new 'Batgirl' costume is not only svelte, but practical. She's traded in high-heels for combat boots. Good job!

Speaking of, don't forget to celebrate "Batman Day" on July 23rd! Earlier this year in May, 'Batman' celebrated his 75th birthday! To commemorate "Batman Day," check out how the caped crusader's costume and mask have changed over the years.

New photos from the 'Avengers 2' set are here. There really isn't anything too exciting here, but it's cool to get a quick glimpse of the set. 'Avengers 2' will open in theaters on May 1, 2015. Time passes so quickly sometimes, 2015 seems so much closer than it did before.

The J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis friendship and rivalry will be the subject of a movie. Finally. I'm a big fan of both of their works, so I would definitely see this film.

Listed here are some of the most repetitive screenwriter tricks. I have to agree with them. Screenwriters seem to write the same cliches over and over and over again. For example, "it's behind me isn't it?" | my new "not" favorite-- someone walks into a road and then suddenly gets hit by a bus | exciting scene immediately followed by 48 hours earlier... There are so many more and they are so true. Please screenwriters stop this. Try to squeeze out an ounce of creativity.

I have to say I agree with this person. Hollywood movie posters aren't as creative as they used to be. Sometimes movie posters are just as formulaic as the films themselves. Admittedly, 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' was fantastic. I haven't seen 'Purge 2' yet so I'm not sure about that one. The original "Purge" film was actually a fun little thriller, so I may see the sequel.

I have some of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comics, which has featured Spike, but somehow I missed a graphic novel exclusively about Spike written by James Marsters himself! "Spike: Into the Light" is available on Amazon and I will be reading it soon.
Via twitter
Drunken Russians fighting to the tune of Street Fighter. This is perhaps one of the most awesome things I have seen in a long time. Yes, more to drunken Russian street fighter. The car is in the background too!

So this ambitious raccoon decides to take on a 28 pound of cat food. Short version-- the raccoon wins.

This woman takes her Facebook profile photos very seriously and it's glorious. I wish I were this creative.

This guy's cosplay is just awesome. Well played sir. Well played.


  1. love the sleek look... i see they are releasing avengers 2 images... they are teasing us, a little taste. it cannot come sooner. the bat-girl is hot, for a cartoon... that still sounds weird. i looked the facebook girl's stuff she has like twelve designs, i have been doing that kind of stuff for two years now. but do i get that attention, noooo... and if i complain, well then now i am a copycat. last i haven't caught up on the walking dead yet... i am missing all the good stuff.

    1. Oh thanks Jeremy! I'm glad you like it. i'm trying to get used to it myself. It's very different than what I'm used to.

      And yes, I would love to see your designs. You are NOT a copycat!! :)

  2. I like the new look!
    That is one strong raccoon.
    I'm there for the Tolkien-Lewis movie. Although comparing the two is like comparing apples and oranges. Such different styles. The LOTR movies were better but if I had to read a series over again, it would be Narnia.

    1. Thank you! I'm still trying to work out a few things, but I do like the new look. Yes, I love that raccoon! He's awesome. Yes, I adore both Tolkien and C.S Lewis.

  3. I must admit when I first clicked to come here from your Google+ post I thought it redirected me to some different site! I realy hope Gotham is as good as it can be, and FOX leaves it on for a while. I will still watch the Walking Dead I hope TERMINUS is not the new prison/Farm. The same pics of Black Widow, cleavage and all. Not that as a guy I am complaining much! *Looks over shoulder for wife* I need a racoon now that Guardians of the Galaxy is coming out!

    1. Oh no! I'm glad you didn't go away from the site! :) Yes, I'm really hoping that Terminus doesn't go on too long.

  4. The new design is awesome. Also, the Batgirl costume is ok. I don't like the rivets coming down from the shoulders.

    1. Hi Tom! Thanks. I'm really liking the new look. I hope everyone else does. I really like Batgirl's costume, but I can see how the rivets could bother some folks.

  5. Oh my gosh you're hate watching TWD!? Well I guess we can still be friends. I am very intrigued by Gotham.

    1. Ha yes. I have a love hate relationship with the show. I have been extremely irritated with the show as of late! :) But I still watch it.

  6. Batman day sounds like a lot of fun.

    1. I know doesn't it! I would love a Wonder Woman day. Maybe there is one? Idk.


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