
Thursday, July 24, 2014

San Diego Comic-Con from Home! Day 1

Just think you didn't get a chance to wait in a line wrapped around the block...

Via Think Geek
Admittedly, you're missing out on a swag bag that you weren't going to win anyway. A swag bag full of books that you've likely already read--on your kindle.

Via Torteen
I suppose you coulda got some jelly beans....
Via Instagram
You are also totally missing out on taking random photos with inanimate objects from your favorite shows that you could share with your tweeps...
Via twitter
Or take a picture with your head sticking through a cardboard cutout...
Via Felicia Day on twitter
You won't be able to take a picture in front of a fake stone wall that transports you to 1700's Scotland.
Via twitter
Or think about stepping past the white line to touch the Darth Vadar Batmobile.
Via Blastr
Or take a photo in front of Agent Colson's 'Agents of Shield' car. Yes, you know that television show you kinda sorta like...sometimes.
Via twitter 
You won't get a chance to see Sideshow Collectibles carefully protected behind 3-inch glass. Oh...the reflection glares.
Via twitter
Via AintItCool
You won't get a chance to see celebrities do silly things. You would probably miss it anyway because you would normally be waiting in the autograph line with two crisp $20 bills. Yes, autographs cost money at cons. Big money.
Via twitter
You won't get to see movie posters that are already posted online.
Nor will you be able to longingly stare at an Obi Wan Kenobi wax figure from 3-feet away.
Via Peter Sciretta
Just forget about touring a mini-haunted house created by Guillermo del Toro in honor of his new gothic horror film, 'Crimson Peak.' But don't fret because here's the video on io9.
Via io9
Yeah, but the panels...oh the panels. You won't be able to sit outside of a large conference room for 1 to 2 hours (if you're lucky) as you wait for your favorite panel to start. You're just thankful that the floors are carpeted and that you have your diet Mountain Dew on hand. You still manage to get an awesome seat about 100 rows back, while you listen to funny little stories told by your favorite film and television stars. Because even though you're in a room full of people, they're talking to you...only you!

You won't get a chance to hear the one weirdo fan in the room ask an equally weird question. Most importantly, you won't be able to take an awesome photo while sitting behind someone's Easter Island head!
Via Peter Sciretta
But seriously, you're still missing all of the cosplay. The same cosplay photos that will be online within 5 minutes.
Via twitter
Via Fashionably Geek

No, I'm not headed to the beach this week unfortunately, but I'm saving for a beach vacation. Thus, I couldn't go to Comic Con this year. :(


  1. Now I don't feel so bad! You're right, we don't experience it, but we certainly see it better (and cheaper) online. Just like watching a sporting event on television...
    I've been to a couple Star Trek and science fiction cons, but nothing on that level.

    1. Thanks Alex!! I always love going then I remember all the hassles, but overall it's the comraderie that I love most!

  2. Thanks for the post! Great pics!
    I have been to a couple of the ones here in San Antonio with my son. It is always fun to take pictures with the Cosplayers.

    1. Yes, I tend to go every other year. It depends on what is going on. I've had a lot of vacations planned this year, so I had to divert money elsewhere. The cosplaying at these conventions is incredible! That's what I enjoy most.

  3. I am jealous... it's an experience I am sure.

    1. Oh I am not going this year! I would like to go, but not this year!

  4. I know some of this must be awful but still, the idea you can actually run into anyone from GoT cast there! That would be an epic feeling. If I'd run into Michelle Fairley I'd probably ask her to adopt me

    1. It's both good and bad. Every year I go to a large fan convention I say I'll never do it again, and then I do it again.

  5. What an awesome idea. I'm planning a run-down next week, but I like your virtual approach! Pimp Vader can force choke a chick.

  6. Nice rundown! Personally, I'm more excited for smaller cons that are in my area than SDCC - maybe it's because it seems so overwhelming and big, I don't know what the chances are of actually attending panels I'm interested in. Maybe it's something to experience in person to understand.

    1. I actually prefer smaller cons because you get more personal attention and it's not mainstream. Comic Con is way too mainstream now. i.e. I think Fifty Shades of Grey had a booth. That's when you know it's no longer about comic book fans. I've been to large cons before and every time I go I say never again....but then I go again.

  7. Great recap! I'd love to go to Comic Con someday, but as you pointed out, this is a cheaper alternative. lol. At least they're generous with sharing so many different aspects of it.

    1. Yes, I actually enjoy keeping up with stuff online. Sometimes when you're at the con there are so many choices that it's hard to decide. I always try to be super organized but it never seems to work out.

  8. I know its expensive and all but going to SDCC is still an unfulfilled dream of mine. Need to make it happen soon!

    1. If it's a dream then you definitely need to go! I think everyone should go to a large con like this at least once.

  9. I'll stick with the writers conferences I go to.

    1. Ha, I know!! I think that's a good idea.


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