
Thursday, July 30, 2015


This entire year has been a cleansing process. I recently deleted 83 old (and unseemly) blog posts. Now I've decided to remove 44 blogs from my feed. Some of the blogs I unfollowed because they've gone by the wayside or haven't been updated in a long time. However, the vast majority of blogs I unfollowed were bloggers who...for whatever reason...did not least not with me. I am in no way taking it personally so I hope the bloggers I unfollowed don't take it personally either, but I blog to be a part of a community. Listed below are the four reasons I unfollowed a blog.

The blog didn't indicate a hiatus, nor has the blog been updated in at least six months to one yearPlease note: I have not deleted my fellow bloggers who have gone on a temporary hiatus. Everyone needs a break every now and then. I have taken several breaks from blogging over the years. However, if a blogger doesn't indicate that they are on hiatus and has simply just left their blog to rot in the blogosphere, I unfollowed them. Unless a blogger has suddenly taken ill (or loved ones have suddenly taken ill), the blogger went to jail, or unfortunately passes away, the least a blogger can do is write a quick note that things are busy in their life and when they expect to return to blogging. Even if they do not plan to return to blogging, let the readers know this. It's just polite. There have been more than a few blogs in which nigh a word is spoken--the blogger just disappears and never writes another post.

We don't share any common interests. If you're blogging about a topic that I have little knowledge of or interest in and vice versa, then I'm not sure why we're following each other. Again, it's not personal, but if we visit each other's blogs and don't know enough about the topic to comment on it then I'm not certain we should clog up each other's blog feeds. I try to visit some of the blogs in my feed daily. 

The blogger doesn't respond to comments I leave on their blog. I visit other people's blogs because I want to interact with them. If I'm taking the time to visit a blog and comment on a blog post, the least someone could do is comment back in the same blog post (or occasionally visit my blog). I'll get to the reciprocity bit a little later. I respond to each and every person who comments on my blog. I may miss one here and there, but I try to respond to everyone. I'm not saying that I'm busier than anyone else, but I'm pretty busy. I have a full time job, a full time family, and I'm in grad school. Albeit I am on break at the moment. The point is that I still manage to respond to everyone's comments and visit their blogs. 

The blogger doesn't visit my blog...EVER. Now on to the most controversial bit-- RECIPROCITY (which almost sounds like a dirty word)--otherwise known as commenting on other people's blogs. I'm in no way saying that a blogger should feel obligated to comment on a post they don't know about or don't want to read. I certainly don't feel compelled to comment on every blog post of even my favorite bloggers...nor do I have the time to do so. It doesn't bother me if I comment on someone's blog more than mine or vice versa. I am not keeping score, nor would I care to.

However, if I comment on a blog consistently, I expect that blogger to visit my blog at least ONCE A YEAR. In all likelihood if I'm following your blog, we likely have a few interests in common. If a blogger is not at least occasionally visiting other people's blog then that's just not cool. There are some people who disagree with this. Some people think you shouldn't place any expectation of people commenting on your blog, but I disagree. Comments help me see the world from a different perspective--yours.

So from now on I'm going to focus exclusively on the blogs and the bloggers who I interact with on a regular or even an occasional basis. Ok, sorry...rant over.

Have you had any issues with your fellow bloggers not interacting? Let me know. Thanks.


  1. I have become the worst when it comes to responding lately, since the end of April my life got more out of control from job, health and well life issues. I have thought to turn off my comments, let those who visit without worries of feeling the need to comment. Here with your post I respect that you have decided to pull that tooth of blogs that have not smiled in awhile, true I have the same group... they just stop. I am hoping it's nothing serious, maybe they won the lottery... that is going to be my happy place for them.

    You always have solid post on great subjects and I will always try to catch up, so many great bloggers and I know I visit 5 or 6 regularly... and the rest, when I see them in the feed.

    Have a super day...


    1. You're awesome Jeremy! You probably respond to folks more than you realize! Also, you comment on other people's blogs quite often. So even if you don't respond on your own blog...that's totally understandable. I'm primarily referring to people who never ever.

  2. Those are all valid reasons. I need to go through my Feedly and clear out ones who haven't posted anything in over a year.
    As for not reciprocating comments - I completely agree. Especially if they don't return the follow on top of that. I figure out really quick who won't return comments for whatever reason. And I try really hard to post a variety of things so that everyone can find something to comment on.

    1. Absolutely! You are probably the best example of what a blogger should be. You literally have thousands of followers and you still manage to post regularly, respond to every comment, and visit other blogs. When I hold people up to a certain standard... I think of you!

  3. All solid reasons indeed and I feel your pain. I have many blogs on my list that haven't been updated for so long. I do sort it out from time to time. In the end, its your place and you decide how you want to run things. So more power to you, and greetings!

    1. Hi there! Thank you. You have an awesome blog and you are always so generous with the comments! Yep, I just decided to go through some of the blogs I had been following and commenting on...then I realized...wait a minute...there's something wrong here.

  4. I went to unfollow blogs that haven't updated in a long time awhile ago, and I got all sentimental over them and couldn't go through with it. lol Like, what if they come back? Some where some of the first blogs I ever started following. I'm weird like that.

    I agree with the comment thing. I didn't respond to every comment when I first had my blog, and I have no idea why. Was I trying to track the number? I have no idea. Either way, it made no sense and I respond to everything now.

    1. Ha, I actually felt the same way. It's funny that you mentioned that. It was really hard to delete the blogs that were some of the first bloggers I interacted with...even if they've gone off the radar now.

      I think it's two fold. It doesn't bother me if someone doesn't respond to my comment on their blog as long as I get to interact with them eventually. I'm sure I've missed some comments here and there too. You are definitely very interactive. You host blogathons, you comment on other people's blogs. There are some bloggers out here...they just don't interact with all.

  5. AMEN! Love this. I'm 'hoping' I wasn't one of the 44


  6. I find your use of the snail shell in the picture amusing. We are either in our shells moving slowly, and not responding, or we are and empty shell not moving a all.
    The fact that you have a Doctor Who Season 9 Countdown means we have a common interest. ;-)

    1. You know...I'm glad you picked up on that. That was what I was going for! Oh you and I will always have that in common!

  7. Don't know if I'm one of the 44 but if I am, I deserved it! I'm horrid when a project hits, especially edits. I've been doing a lot of those comments on my own blog where you say Thanks Everyone, time is a factor, always is a factor, but one must do what one must do! Don't blame you one little bit!

    1. Ha, no you are not! I don't think I've visited your blogs often either, but I do think we've visited each other's blogs a few times this year. I'm primarily referring to bloggers who NEVER interact. I love your blogs.

    2. Wasn't sure if I should come back and check. I have you in my blog roll and knew you were there for a good reason! LOL Thanks for letting me off the hook!

    3. Oh you were never on the hook! I'm primarily referring to bloggers who don't interact "at all." There are blogs I interact with infrequently, but I still interact with them. There are some bloggers who will not respond no matter how many times you visit their blog.

  8. So much truth in this post. I agree with every part of it. I make it a point to respond to every comment on my own blog and to leave comments of my own on all the blogs I visit, at least every few of their posts. I remember the dark days when I was blogging in solitude because I just didn't try to be part of the blogosphere. I just posted things. I perked up a bit when the occasional comment came in and I realized that even for a guy who is a bit of an introvert, like me, blogging is most fun when its interactive.

    1. Absolutely! Blogging is supposed to be interactive and fun! That's the whole point. I really do enjoy reading the comments people write back on their blogs. So that's always important to me.

  9. I'm with you, I definitely feel like blogging is meant to be about community and if you're not here for the give and take, then why are you here at all?

    1. I totally agree. There are some bloggers I came across who would not respond either on their blog or on any other. To me that's like blogging in a vacuum?

  10. "The blogger doesn't respond to comments I leave on their blog"

    My biggest pet peeve, I find it very irritating haha.

    1. Yes, I can understand every now and again. I'm sure I've missed a comment or two, but some bloggers I just don't understand why they don't at least respond to you on their own blogs?

  11. I admire your honesty. About a year ago I also unfollowed a few blogs. There were simply too many in my feed. There's no point having a reading list with stuff you don't have the time to check out, so I don't blame your decision. I won't take it personally, if I got unfollowed. I know I've only been around your site a couple times this year. My rule of thumb is I usually only comment on blogs that comment back on my blog.

    1. Hi Chris! That's going to become my rule of thumb too. I typically unfollowed blogs in which I have left numerous comments on a lot of their blog post over the course of this year, yet they have not visited my page...not once. Or they never responded to the comments I left them.

  12. These are all valid reasons to unfollow a blog and it's also the reason why some blogs fail. By the way, I'm terrible about responding to comments on our blog, so please don't take it personally. :)

    1. Ha, I totally understand. I unfollowed folks for a combination of reasons. You always comment on my blog, which is awesome!

  13. Yeah, the lack of reciprocity is also something that pisses me off. There is a handful of blogs I follow even though they never visit, but honestly it's kinda rude. I'm super busy yet sooner or later, I'm there to respond and visit. Good for you for doing that!

    1. Hi there! Thanks. Yes, I just got delete happy one afternoon and decided to get rid of a bunch of blogs that for whatever reason are not responsive at all. Usually it's a combination of factors-- but the responsive thing is the biggest.

  14. Unfortunately, I only update my blog about once a month or's been a slow year :[ I definitely try to interact with bloggers though..I hate it when bloggers don't reciprocate the love!! Cheers

    1. Hi Courtney! I totally understand. What is your blog again? I don't know if I've visited your blog often as well. I'll try to rectify that! Thanks.

  15. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm useless. I only saw this post because I was on The Uranium Cafe reading Bill's rant about not getting comments. I crashed my blogroll years ago, and it never worked again. Last week, Google made some changes, and it miraculousy started working again... albeit following a lot of people who I'd unfollowed instead. But yeah, you're back on my blogroll.

    1. Oh things happen. I totally understand. I will visit your blog again too! I think I thought you had taken a hiatus at one point? Maybe I'm thinking of another blog?

  16. While I commend you for unfollowing blogs (and detailing the reasons why), I was waaaay more fascinated by the fact that you DELETED OLD POSTS! I'm enamored with this idea. I mean, I should probably delete the first year..or two...of my blog, but I just couldn't.

    I'm such a wuss.

    In addition to being a bad follower. I'm the worst at commenting on other people's sites. I gotta get better!

    1. Ha, you're doing great. I love your blog. It was very difficult deleting old posts! Even the crappiest, worst, shortest post was difficult to delete for some reason, but overall I think my blog looks much better for it.

  17. I’m with you on all these. If a blog hasn’t updated for 2+ months (with no posted hiatus), I usually check out from it.

    Common interest is a tough one. I like blogs that post about types of movies I don’t know much about. It can be difficult to get into those blogs, but I go back to them every so often.

    I haven’t the slightest clue why some bloggers don’t respond to comments. I literally don’t have the capacity to understand that. I too see no purpose in leaving comments on those sites.

    Reciprocity is a big thing for me, but I’ve learned to let go of it a bit. I used to get miffed that blogs I commented on a lot never commented on mine. But I guess that’s just part of the game, you know?

    1. Hi Alex! I somehow missed this comment! Ha, talk about reciprocity. Yes, I totally agree. That's part of the game. Sometimes blogs I comment on won't comment on mine, but I guess I figure if I comment on their blog regularly they should at least visit my blog once a blue moon...It doesn't seem to happen from some folks. Not sure why.

  18. One of the biggest turn-offs for me is a blog where the blogger clearly doesn't interact (i.e. no responses to comments). However, your first point is something I never considered. I always reckon if I go quiet for a while, nobody's going to notice and it feels kinda pretentious to apologize for it - it assumes folks out there would actually care :)

    1. Ha, I've done the same thing in the past. Then I started to notice that people actually noticed when I was gone! It was somewhat encouraging and it was something I hadn't considered! So now I try to give everyone a hiatus notice. I almost posted one this month since I only had one post in September, but I figure as long as I post once a month I won't go on hiatus.


Comments are now moderated because of spammers. If you post a comment with a spammy link in it, it will be deleted. There's no point to post your backlinks here. Try to build your backlinks the right way.

For everyone else--please feel free to leave your comments. I respond to each and every one of them, even when people disagree with me! If I happen to miss one, send me a tweet at @aspaceblogyssey. Please note this blog does not receive anonymous comments. You have to be registered with a service to comment here (i.e. Google, Wordpress, or OpenID). Also, I reserve the right to delete your comment if you troll me. I have no problem with someone who disagrees with me, but trolling comments will be deleted without response. No trolls will be fed here.